Cornhole Information
Cornhole Boards: Building vs. Buying
Have you caught the cornhole fever? Maybe you’ve never even played the game cornhole, but are so intrigued by the inundation of cornhole tournaments and boards showing up at parties, that you’re considering acquiring your own.
The next step then, is to determine which method will work best for you: build or buy?
If you’re talented in the arena of woodworking, perhaps these simplistic looking boards could join your repertoire of constructed items. However, if the idea of using a measuring tape and saw is a little too overwhelming, you’re probably considering purchasing a board instead.
Building Your Own Cornhole Boards
Some people would argue there are various benefits to building your own cornhole game set. These benefits might include saving money and getting a set that is exactly how you want it.
However, you’ll only save money building a set if you have access to the necessary tools. Plus, the venture could get very expensive if you have to acquire a second set because your first carpentry attempt didn’t yield official cornhole boards (which are needed for tournaments).
And building a set will get you exactly what you want, but that doesn’t mean that passing the tape measure to someone else won’t ensure your preferences are met. Plenty of carpenters—like those at Custom Corntoss, for example—are more than willing to construct your set to your exacting specifications.
If you choose to build your own cornhole boards, you’ll also have to deal with the cornhole bean bags. Buying a game set ensures all equipment pieces are included, but the DIY method requires some extra effort on your part. You can sew your own cornhole bags and stay true to your DIY roots. Or, if you don’t consider yourself a seamstress, you can buy some bags.
Buying Cornhole Boards
If you’d rather not tackle the process yourself, let someone else build the boards for you. There are various perks to this decision.
Buying equipment from a reputable dealer ensures you’re purchasing official, regulation cornhole boards. If you choose to enter tournaments, you’ll need official boards. Buying from the pros means the construction will adhere to the necessary cornhole board specs.
Buying a cornhole game set ensures you’ll get everything you need—including cornhole bags. And just like the boards, you’re sure to get official cornhole bags.
How many times have you started a DIY project, only to see it half-completed in your garage a month later? Buying your boards means you’ll actually have the equipment when you want it!
Working with a professional cornhole company means your boards will be the highest quality. No design is too complicated. The customization will be flawless—and probably much better than you could do on your own!
The Best of Both Words
If you like the idea of DIY cornhole boards, but lack the necessary skills, considering buying a set of unfinished cornhole boards. Let the pros do the construction—which will ensure they are the official size.
Then, you can get crafty with a paint brush. You can even get a set of cornhole decals to make the customization complete.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if you build or buy. The important thing is that you get out there and play! Take a look at our selection of cornhole boards and bags. Let us help you secure the necessary equipment to fulfill your cornhole passion!
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Frequently Asked Questions About Cornhole
Cornhole is rapidly gaining popularity. In fact, there is even an American Cornhole Association! With the spread of this entertaining backyard (and highly competitive) game, it seems only natural that a number of questions would arise.
Some questions may appear very basic to the cornhole aficionado, but for those just getting into the sport, we hope these FAQs and their answers will be useful.
The Top Ten Cornhole FAQs
- What is cornhole? Cornhole is a game in which a bean bag (or bag of corn feed) is tossed through a hole cut in a slightly elevated wooden platform. It has many names: bean bag toss, hillbilly horseshoes, and corn toss just to name a few.
- Where did the cornhole board game originate? There is much debate surrounding the origination of this game. Some people claim that it started in Cincinnati, while others boast that Kentucky as its place of origin. Even more widely accepted is the thought that cornhole is of German descent. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer at this time.
- What is the object of the game? The goal is to be the person (or team) to score 21+ points by the end of an inning. Three points are awarded each time you get a bag into the hole. One point is earned for every bag that lands on the board itself.
- What are the cornhole board specs? They are made of ½” plywood and are rectangles 48”x24”. The hole is six inches in diameter and centered 12” from each side and 9” from the top. The platform should be 3” tall at the front and 12” high in the back creating a 90 degree angle to the deck face. It should have solid wood sides so that the hole is the only opening. In addition, there’s a thirty foot distance between the board and the players.
- What do official cornhole boards look like? Cornhole boards can be customized anyway the owner chooses. In general, the boards are usually finish sanded for smoothness and painted with a high gloss latex paint. Some players choose to customize their boards by painting them or applying their favorite sports decal.
- Are there any age restrictions? The simple answer is no. Cornhole is a game accessible to all who can toss a bean bag thirty feet. In fact, the official rules for youth (and the elderly or those with disabilities) allow for a shorter tossing distance of 21’ instead.
- How many people can play? Cornhole can be played as singles or doubles. Essentially, it’s a 2 or 4 player game.
- Can you play cornhole inside? The beauty of the cornhole material is that it can be used indoors as well. Obviously, space will have to be allotted to accommodate the tossing distance rules, but the weight of the bean bags and their soft nature should not cause any damage-based concerns in indoor use.
- Should I build or buy official cornhole boards? The answer really depends upon your level of ability. If you are comfortable with a tape measure and power tools, then building your own board is not an impossible endeavor. However, if you are hoping to meet official regulation sizes, slopes and diameters, it might be better to let the professionals handle it. Custom Corntoss has an extensive selection of official cornhole boards to choose from.
- How can I get my own cornhole game set? Check our online store. We have plenty of cornhole boards and bags to choose from. We even have lots of cornhole accessories.
Cornhole FAQs
If you have additional questions about cornhole—the rules, equipment, etc.—check out our all-inclusive cornhole guide. Otherwise, head on over to our store and take a look at what we have to offer. If you are a cornhole newbie, it is time to snag your first cornhole game set!
- Published in Information
The Best Cornhole Gift Ideas
Do you have someone in your life who is addicted to cornhole? If so, the chore of gift giving just got a whole lot easier!
If you are a fellow cornhole aficionado with friends who aren’t fans of the game yet (gasp!), it is surely your duty to introduce them to the fabulous sport. And what better way to do that than gift them with cornhole supplies.
Gift for the Cornhole Rookie
If it is your job to introduce someone to cornhole, you had better start at the beginning—a set of custom cornhole boards. Get an official set so when the cornhole novice turns into a pro, they can enter tournaments.
You’ll want some sweet bags to go with the boards (you could try college cornhole bags for sports lovers). Otherwise, embroidered bags are festive too.
Once you’ve made the initial introduction, you’ll also want to help this newbie understand the cornhole game rules.
Gifts for Cornhole Veterans
If you’ve managed to surround yourself with other cornhole enthusiasts, here are several excellent cornhole gift ideas.
- DIYers will love a set of unfinished boards. They can customize the boards any way they want.
- If your cornhole friend already has a set of cornhole boards and doesn’t need an upgrade, you can simply help your amigo spice up what is already there. Check out the vinyl wraps and decals.
- Do you know someone who enjoys drinking adult beverages while playing cornhole? If so, he or she might be interested in turning the next match into a drinking game. If that’s the case, you’ll need to hook your friend up with some drinking bags.
- Other than the drinking bags, there are other creative cornhole bag options too—like glow-in-the-dark bags.
- Speaking of playing in the dark, cornhole lights are pretty sweet. Play won’t have to stop when the sun goes down, the fun will just keep going and going and going…
- Sometimes, it is hard to keep track of the score. If you know a cornhole fanatic that loves getting out on the court, investing in something like this or this would be good.
We all have people in our lives who are difficult to shop for. Basically, anyone who can toss a bag should be in possession of the basic cornhole supplies. So really, cornhole gift ideas can be used for just about anyone!
- Published in Information
Cornhole for Kids
Cornhole is currently one of the most popular outdoor games among people of all ages. In fact, it’s surprising to see how the game has permeated the population of young adults. Considering the simplicity, you’d think it would be more popular with kids!
Perhaps the reason cornhole isn’t more of a necessity for the younger generation is because few people take the time to adapt the game to their little hands and feet. If you’ve got youngsters who are eager to join the cornhole game, here are a few things to keep in mind.
The Foul Line
All players must remain behind the foul line when tossing cornhole bags. The foul line is used to maintain consistency of play and determine how far from the cornhole board the player will stand.
There are different foul line distances for adults and kids. For kids, the imaginary line is usually drawn 21 feet from the front edge of the hole in the opposite board.
If you truly want kids to enjoy the game, don’t make them toss from the adult foul line (30 feet). It’s just too far!
For regulation tournament play, the foul line must be maintained at 21 feet. There are strict rules about cornhole game dimensions. But if you are just tossing bags for fun as a family, it might be a good idea to scoot that line even closer!
The Cornhole Boards
The cornhole game boards used for children’s play might be different from the adult versions.
First, kids would benefit from a simple design on the cornhole boards. Flashy paint schemes might make it more difficult for them to see where the hole is.
If kids do opt for custom cornhole boards, they might like to do the customizing themselves. Arts and crafts are a big deal for youngsters. Get a set of unpainted cornhole boards and let them got to town.
Kids might actually prefer a totally different construction for their cornhole boards. For example, these smaller practice boards might be easier targets for youngsters.
The Accessories
Once kids develop a passion for cornhole and it becomes their activity of choice, you might want to invest in a few accessories. These accessories are just one more way to make the game more age appropriate.
Putting lights on the board will make it even easier for the kids to see the hole. Plus, we all know kids are suckers for things that light up!
Young players might not be able to keep track of the score in their heads. A score strip might be a nice addition.
The Benefits
Encouraging the presence of children on the cornhole court does more than just provide entertainment. Cornhole is a great activity for children with potential for lots of teachable moments.
Cornhole helps children learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and simple addition. It also enhances their hand-eye coordination. Shy children will feel safe interacting with their peers in such an entertaining fashion. And old and young siblings can find a common denominator for fun.
If you have special young ones in your life who could benefit from a little extra attention on the cornhole court, consider taking advantage of a few of these tips.
- Published in Information
Hosting a Cornhole Tournament: A Genius Fundraising Idea!
Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with a great fundraising idea that’s cost-effective and a surefire way to get people to participate. Involving as many people as possible is the best way to raise the maximum amount of funds.
It takes a special sort of event to get those sorts of results though.
What’s a fundraising idea that will appeal to a ton of people, no matter their age or physical abilities? If you said “cornhole” you’ve got the right idea!
Aside from the numerous benefits to having a coordinated game at your fundraiser, there are plenty of other advantages to using cornhole as a way to gather together for raising funds.
Cornhole: The Basics
For starters, it’s probably best to explain what cornhole is just in case you aren’t entirely sure.
Cornhole is a game where each player attempts to throw bean bags into the hole of the conveniently-named cornhole board. This game has been around in an official capacity for decades, and it can be found in backyards, company parking lots, or even roadside pit-stops on cross-country road trips.
Because it’s easy to learn and easy to play, cornhole offers everyone an opportunity to join in the fun. Points are assigned based on where each tossed beanbag ends up, and they’re calculated at the end of each turn.
This straightforward scoring system as well as the simple cornhole game rules helps make the game a mainstay of any gathering of people.
Why Pick Cornhole?
If you’re wondering why it is that you should use cornhole for the basis of your next fundraiser, the answer can be explained in four simple reasons.
- Cornhole is compact. With equipment that is both easy to transport as well as simple to set up, cornhole is the ultimate fundraising event. It takes up little space when set up too, so even if you only have a small venue for your fundraiser, you’ll still find that you have plenty of room for cornhole.
- Cornhole is affordable. Official cornhole boards are easy to find cheap—in fact, we have a wide selection of reasonably priced cornhole equipment that is ideal for fundraising events.
- Weather won’t affect your event. With some fundraisers (like fun-runs), participants have to be outside—no matter the weather. Cornhole, fortunately, is different. Even if it rains, you can just move the game indoors. Its versatility is one of its major benefits.
- Anyone can play. That’s right. Anyone. The elderly and young folks out there can play, and even those of us who aren’t athletically inclined can participate. Basically, if you can toss a beanbag, you can play cornhole.
How Does Cornhole Work as a Fundraiser?
Since the initial cost of setting up a cornhole tournament is on the low end of the spectrum, the return revenue you can generate far outweighs its cost. By keeping the cost of the activity down, the host charity can maximize the money collected from entry fees and the sales of any concessions to both the players and the spectators.
One great way to streamline revenue from this event is to combine it with other events. For instance, you could have a joint fundraiser with a cornhole tournament and a raffle. This sort of benefit tournament would ensure the charitable organization would earn a majority of the profits, but the winners of the two events would not be without their own prizes.
Of course you don’t have to split the winnings 50/50 either. You could give a percentage of the prize money to each of the top three participants.
Supply the Equipment or Bring Your Own?
If you host a cornhole tournament, you have two options when it comes to equipment. Participants could bring their own sets. This would significantly reduce you costs, but it would also limit the population of available participants.
If you truly want to involve as many people as possible, it would be wise to supply the necessary cornhole boards and cornhole bags. Check out the selection we have available. Our inexpensive—yet high quality—products will perfectly complement your next fundraising event.
As it happens, cornhole is one of the more cost-effective and fun fundraising options out there since it provides so much flexibility for the host while still maximizing enjoyment for participants. With those sorts of odds, how can you pass up the opportunity? Start planning your cornhole fundraiser today!
- Published in Information
Cornhole Game Rules You Didn’t Know Exist
Rules are important in any game–and cornhole is no exception. Most people are unaware of the cornhole game rules because the sport seems so simple. While cornhole is a simple game, its versatility allows it to be used in a variety of environments–some of which call for a more streamlined playing process. Even the most novice cornhole player is aware of the simple regulations regarding scoring and game play. But that is just the tip of the iceberg!
Before you host or take part in a serious cornhole competition, let’s review the official cornhole game rules.
Equipment Rules
There are many rules that pertain to the equipment. For example, the cornhole board measurements are quite specific. However, there are also several lesser known rules governing the cornhole game boards and bags:
- A contestant is unable to alter the cornhole court in any way-no matter how small-without consent from the opposing team and tournament officials.
- Cornhole tournaments are to be played using wooden cornhole game boards due to the variances with plastic and other surfaces. Additionally, the cornhole board game surface must be smooth and free of any blemishes.
- Cornhole bean bags will be different colors (each team will have their own distinguishing color). These colors must be easy to see. Additionally, there are more rules regarding the cornhole bag weight.
Fortunately, all of our cornhole boards and cornhole bags adhere to tournament regulations. Using our official products ensures you don’t have to worry about the rules governing their construction.
Pitching Rules
In a cornhole tournament, there are specific rules in place that regulate how each bag is pitched, who pitches, and from what distance.
- Contestants can pitch from the left or right pitcher’s box. However, this cannot change in a single inning.
- Each contestant is required to pitch with the same pitching hand throughout the duration of the cornhole board game tournament, barring a medical emergency.
- Once a contestant enters the pitching box, he or she has 20 seconds to pitch the bag. Time begins upon entering the pitching box.
- Each inning, the contestant who scored in the previous inning pitches first. If no score has been made, the last pitcher in the previous inning pitches first.
- Any opponent not pitching is required to stand behind the cornhole board game platform and at least 2 feet behind the contestant pitching.
Foul Rules
While the location and distance of foul lines vary between adult and junior tournament play, other additional foul rules apply. In general, any corn bag found non-compliant with other game rules is called a foul corn bag.
In the following instances, these bags are required to be taken out of the playing field before the game can be resumed. Note: all instances are officially determined by the tournament judge.
- Any cornhole bag pitched once contact has been made with the foul line.
- Any cornhole bag pitched when the contestant steps or releases it outside the pitcher’s box.
- Any cornhole bag that is not pitched or delivered prior to the 20 second time limit expiration.
- Any cornhole bag a contestant pitches from a different pitcher’s box in a single inning.
- Any cornhole bag that hits another object or the ground prior to landing on the cornhole board platform.
- Any cornhole bag that has been taken off the board before a score has been officially determined.
Game Play Rules
As with other games, there are specific rules regulating cornhole tournament game play–including inning count, scoring, and special circumstances.
- The player or team that first reaches or exceeds 21 points wins. However, since cornhole matches cannot end before finishing the current inning, the opposing team is allowed to complete all pitches and finish out the inning before the game is completed.
- If a team scores 7 points or more at the end of an inning prior to their opponent scoring, the game is determined a skunk and the scoring team wins the match.
- Personal belongings must be stored behind the cornhole platform-including drinks-in order to avoid distractions.
Ultimately, there are many complex rules that govern cornhole tournament play. These cornhole game rules are not designed to take away from the fun, but allow for increased fairness and ease of play.
- Published in Information
Tips for Purchasing a Cornhole Game Set
A favorite for tailgating and backyard BBQ’s, the game cornhole is popular due to its versatility. Everyone can join in on the fun, and with summer upon us, so is the opportunity to inject a little cornhole fun into our lives.
With its recent (and predictable) surge in popularity, there are more choices than ever when shopping for the perfect cornhole game set. It can be overwhelming to make a decision- after all, you’re making an important investment in your future fun!
So how do you find the right one? How do you know? Let’s break down the cornhole buying process.
Determine Your Purpose
The first step to finding the perfect cornhole game set for you is to examine how you will use it. Do you see yourself hosting or entering tournaments, enjoying leisure time with friends and family, or tailgating?
If hosting or entering into cornhole tournaments is your calling, you will need to make sure the cornhole board you choose is regulation size. Yes, cornhole may be fun, but it can also be serious business–and cornhole tournaments are serious. You’ll need to make sure you’re getting the correct cornhole board size.
If you envision a more relaxed setting for your game time, think of your audience. Consider boards with larger holes cut out to make things easier for younger players. This is true whether your leisure activity of choice involves tailgating before the big game or a cookout.
Additionally, you’ll want to consider portability. This is particularly important if you’ll be using your cornhole game set for tailgating or tournaments.
Check for Quality
Quality is important. You don’t want to be tasked with the same decision next year (or sooner). When you purchase a cornhole game set, you want to make sure it is made of durable materials and produced by a reputable company. Do your research. Read company and individual product reviews before making your final decision.
Also, be sure to review the refund policy so that there are no surprises. Things happen and if something goes wrong, you will need to be aware of what steps you will need to take in order to get a replacement or a refund.
Together or Individually?
Next, consider how you want to make your purchase. Do you want to buy cornhole bags separately or do you want to buy an all-inclusive set?
Think about cost. Also, consider customization features. Compare each buying option with what is most important to you and best suited to your needs–present and future.
Cheap cornhole boards and bags may seem most economical. On the other hand, a custom cornhole board may be ideal. Think about replacement parts and durability. Consider long-term value.
Customization or Plain?
Even the customization options vary greatly. Some companies offer plain boards that allow you to paint and decorate the board as you like once it arrives. If this sounds too time consuming, you can opt to have the company customize the board for you.
You can also purchase customizable cornhole bags. The possibilities are endless in terms of materials and options. Once again, consider durability and refer back to your needs.
Some people would rather build their own cornhole game set. However, not everyone has the necessary woodworking skills to make that happen. And DIY sets aren’t always regulation sizes. Therefore, it is generally preferable to shop around and find exactly what you are looking for at the most reputable cornhole supplier available.
The game cornhole is fun for everyone and everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy it as they see fit.
If you have additional tips for buying a cornhole game set, let us know!
- Published in Information, Latest News
Why Do I Need Regulation Cornhole Boards?
If you’ve been shopping for cornhole equipment, you probably have a few questions. For example, “Why do I need regulation cornhole boards?”
What are Regulation Cornhole Boards?
Regulation cornhole boards (or sometimes referred to as official cornhole boards) are part of a cornhole game set that can be used for tournament play.
Why Do I Need Official Cornhole Boards?
Cornhole tournaments usually have rules and regulations regarding the equipment that can be used. This helps standardize play for everyone, making sure no one has an unfair advantage over other competitors.
Even if you aren’t buying cornhole boards with the intention of entering a tournament, you should still consider purchasing official cornhole boards. You might, at some point in your life, want to enter an official competition. It would be disappointing if you were excluded from play because your equipment wasn’t up to par.
What Makes a Set “Official?”
There are several organizations that govern official cornhole tournaments—like the American Cornhole Association and the American Cornhole Organization. Players can register with these groups to log their cornhole play and enter to win prizes.
For these types of tournaments, regulation cornhole boards must adhere to strict guidelines. For example:
- Cornhole boards must be made of wood (there is a notable difference between play on plastic cornhole boards and wood boards).
- The surface of the board must be constructed from half inch plywood.
- It is preferable to use boards that have solid wood sides (the only opening to the underside of the board is through the hole).
- The surface of the cornhole board must be totally smooth—free of any blemishes that could disrupt the bags’ slide.
- Cornhole boards must be painted with high-gloss, latex paint. This ensures a playing surface that is slippery enough for bags to slide, but not so slick that bags slide back down.
- Most cornhole boards used in officially sanctioned tournaments are painted a solid color (usually white). This reduces any optic malfunction. Boards with special designs, decals, etc. aren’t typically used.
If you won’t be playing in a tournament sanctioned by one of these organizations, the regulations are much less strict.
Local cornhole tournaments usually still enforce the use of official cornhole boards, but the regulations usually only extend to the construction of the boards. In these cases, your regulation cornhole boards must simply be in alignment with these cornhole board measurements that have become standard for almost all play.
While you’re at it, you had better check here to make sure you have regulation cornhole bags too.
The best cornhole boards are ones that are versatile—equipment that lets you play in your backyard and enter tournaments. In order to be prepared for any type of play, it is best to purchase regulation cornhole boards from the very beginning.
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You Need College Cornhole Boards and Bags!
Football season is right around the corner. Are you ready? If you don’t have a set of college cornhole boards and bags, the answer is no!
When it comes to NCAA football, the tailgate party is nearly as important as the actual game. And no true tailgate party is complete without a tricked out cornhole game set.
Buying College Cornhole Boards and Bags
Most people opt to buy their custom cornhole bags and boards. This method ensures quality equipment. The cornhole board specs will be to regulation. The cornhole bags will be constructed from proper materials and sewed according to official standards.
But perhaps most importantly, buying custom boards means the college’s logo or mascot will be of the highest quality. The colors will match perfectly and the design will be spot-on.
Building Cornhole Boards and Bags
Of course, you always have the option to build your cornhole boards. This is probably the most economical choice; however, it is also the most time consuming.
If you choose to go this route, you’ll need some tips on painting cornhole boards. You’ll also want to investigate how to construct and fill your bags.
Going the DIY route means you’ll probably have to forego your college cornhole bags. It might be pretty simple to paint your boards, but creating custom bags is more challenging. Rather than strive for perfection with a logo or mascot on your DIY college cornhole bags, you might just opt for single color bags. For example, if you are cheering on the ISU Cyclones, four red and four yellow bags would suffice.
In the end, it really doesn’t matter if you buy or build your college cornhole boards. The point is…you need them! No tailgate party is complete without cornhole. And why bother schlepping the boards back and forth if you don’t have a set worthy of praise?!
Get yourself some college cornhole bags and boards and start the upcoming football season off right!
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What are the Best Cornhole Boards?
Are you ready to embrace the cornhole lifestyle? Do you need to upgrade your game set? No matter where you are on the spectrum of cornhole love, everyone wants to know the same thing: what are the best cornhole boards?
Defining the Word “Best”
Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer to the question what are the best cornhole boards.
The phrase “best” is subjective. However, there are some tips we can give you to help narrow down your definition and determine what is right for you.
Cheap Cornhole Boards
Maybe the best set of cornhole boards is whatever is cheapest. It should be noted, though, that just because boards are cheap doesn’t mean they aren’t high quality. In most cases, cheap just means simple.
If you are looking for cheap cornhole boards, you probably have two options. First, you can make your own set of boards. This, technically, is cheap – if you have the necessary tools.
The other option is to buy an unpainted set of boards (these usually come with cheap cornhole bags too). This route is cost effective because you’ll be doing most of the time consuming (AKA – expensive) work yourself – painting the boards.
Custom Cornhole Boards
Other people think the best type of boards are the ones that have custom designs. Basically, if you can dream it, a professional can do it. Therefore, you can score custom cornhole boards with just about any design under the sun.
The most popular custom designs often include:
- A reference to family or the owner’s initials
- College cornhole boards with the team mascot and/or colors
- The logo of an organization the owner is a member of
- A business logo (usually used for marketing)
- Patriotic influences
- A reference to the owner’s passion – hunting, motorcycles, etc.
Plastic or Weather Proof Boards
Some cornhole players are pretty die-hard. That means they need to be prepared to play in any weather condition. In these instances, the best cornhole boards are usually constructed of plastic or some other water-proof product.
Boards That Offer a Challenge
If you’ve mastered the art of cornhole play with traditional boards and bags, you might be interested in something new. Some players opt for small practice boards. Not only do these offer a new and unique challenge, they are also cheap cornhole boards.
These boards might be considered the best because they are small and easy to store. They also make a good, cheap cornhole set for kids.
In the end, the best cornhole boards are whatever suit your purpose best.
Do you have an opinion about what is “best?” Let us know!
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Buy Cornhole Bean Bags
Want to Buy Cornhole Bags?
Here is What You Need to Know.
When you make the decision to buy your first set of cornhole bean bags, it can seem like a daunting task. You want to make sure you’re buying the best you can, without overpaying, but it’s difficult to know what makes one cornhole bag better than the next.
The good news is that some bags are better than others, and if you know what to look for, the process of finding the best set for the best price isn’t all that hard. With that in mind, this article was created to simplify your decision on which cornhole set would be perfect for you.
What to Look For When Buying Cornhole Bags
It’s very important that you get good cornhole bean bags. This is the part of the set that really takes a beating. If you end up with a set of super cheap cornhole bags made of poor quality, you’ll find yourself having to buy cornhole bags again before too long.
That being said, you shouldn’t judge cornhole bags by their price alone. The factor you should consider is quality. There are plenty of cheap cornhole bags that are still high quality.
The bag should be a square, where all sides are perfectly even. The cornhole bag weight should come out to about 15 ounces, and the weight needs to be consistent across each of the cornhole bean bags. As for the size, a general rule of thumb is that 6”x6” is the standard.
Some cornhole bags are often filled with beans or corn. Others are plastic-filled, synthetic-blend cotton and polyester bags. These plastic-filled bags are often your best bet and probably what you should look for when you buy cornhole bags because it means they are weather resistant.
The stitching is also a big deal. A set of poorly stitched bags will burst rather quickly. Look for bags that are double lock stitched and surged. This helps them to withstand the constant throwing that cornhole calls for.
Don’t forget to buy something that’s fun. Quality is important, but this game is meant to be enjoyed. Camo cornhole bags have gained popularity lately. Just make sure to find something that makes you happy and shows off your individuality.
Quality Cornhole Boards
Naturally, the quality of the cornhole bean bags is important. However, quality isn’t the only thing you’ll want to consider.
You’ll also want to think about the correlation between the bags and the boards. A professional-looking set will include bags and boards that match.
Consider the cornhole board designs you’re using. Will the bags match? You can opt for a set that matches exactly – like your favorite team logo on both. Or you can go with a set of cheap cornhole bags that simply use the corresponding board colors.
Do Your Research
Now you know what it takes to make a good cornhole set. Do some browsing and find some cornhole bags that are up to the task. Compare prices to make sure you’re getting the quality you need at a price that’s fair before you buy cornhole bags. Just because someone is offering you a good product doesn’t mean they can charge enough to run you into the ground.
Keep in mind that the quality of the cornhole bean bags is the most important part. These bags go through a lot when playing cornhole, so they need to be ready to meet the challenge.
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