Have you caught the cornhole fever? Maybe you’ve never even played the game cornhole, but are so intrigued by the inundation of cornhole tournaments and boards showing up at parties, that you’re considering acquiring your own.
The next step then, is to determine which method will work best for you: build or buy?
If you’re talented in the arena of woodworking, perhaps these simplistic looking boards could join your repertoire of constructed items. However, if the idea of using a measuring tape and saw is a little too overwhelming, you’re probably considering purchasing a board instead.
Building Your Own Cornhole Boards
Some people would argue there are various benefits to building your own cornhole game set. These benefits might include saving money and getting a set that is exactly how you want it.
However, you’ll only save money building a set if you have access to the necessary tools. Plus, the venture could get very expensive if you have to acquire a second set because your first carpentry attempt didn’t yield official cornhole boards (which are needed for tournaments).
And building a set will get you exactly what you want, but that doesn’t mean that passing the tape measure to someone else won’t ensure your preferences are met. Plenty of carpenters—like those at Custom Corntoss, for example—are more than willing to construct your set to your exacting specifications.
If you choose to build your own cornhole boards, you’ll also have to deal with the cornhole bean bags. Buying a game set ensures all equipment pieces are included, but the DIY method requires some extra effort on your part. You can sew your own cornhole bags and stay true to your DIY roots. Or, if you don’t consider yourself a seamstress, you can buy some bags.
Buying Cornhole Boards
If you’d rather not tackle the process yourself, let someone else build the boards for you. There are various perks to this decision.
Buying equipment from a reputable dealer ensures you’re purchasing official, regulation cornhole boards. If you choose to enter tournaments, you’ll need official boards. Buying from the pros means the construction will adhere to the necessary cornhole board specs.
Buying a cornhole game set ensures you’ll get everything you need—including cornhole bags. And just like the boards, you’re sure to get official cornhole bags.
How many times have you started a DIY project, only to see it half-completed in your garage a month later? Buying your boards means you’ll actually have the equipment when you want it!
Working with a professional cornhole company means your boards will be the highest quality. No design is too complicated. The customization will be flawless—and probably much better than you could do on your own!
The Best of Both Words
If you like the idea of DIY cornhole boards, but lack the necessary skills, considering buying a set of unfinished cornhole boards. Let the pros do the construction—which will ensure they are the official size.
Then, you can get crafty with a paint brush. You can even get a set of cornhole decals to make the customization complete.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if you build or buy. The important thing is that you get out there and play! Take a look at our selection of cornhole boards and bags. Let us help you secure the necessary equipment to fulfill your cornhole passion!