The game of cornhole is a pretty laid back diversion. But that doesn’t mean it’s free of rules. Fortunately, the cornhole game rules are pretty easy to understand and implement.
Rules That Apply to the Equipment
- Each cornhole game set consists of two cornhole boards and eight cornhole bags.
- The cornhole board shall measure 48 inches by 24 inches by 2 ½ inches.
- The angle between the cornhole board legs and the playing surface should be approximately 90 degrees.
- The surface of the cornhole board will have a single hole, six inches in diameter.
- The hole will be centered nine inches from the top of the board and 12 inches from either side.
- Each cornhole bag shall be constructed from two fabric squares that are joined by a quarter inch, double stitched seam around all four sides.
- Each bag should be filled with approximately two cups corn feed. The finished product will weigh 14 to 16 ounces and be a minimum of six inches by six inches.
Rules That Apply to the Court
- An outdoor cornhole court should measure 10 feet by 45 feet.
- An indoor court requires a bit more clearance; the court shall be 12 feet wide instead of just 10 feet.
- An indoor court also requires a minimum 12 foot vertical clearance for the lowest possible obstruction.
- When playing outside, courts should be situated in a north-south arrangement to avoid sun interference.
- From the front edge of one cornhole board to the front edge of the other, there shall be 27 feet. Another way to calculate the distance between boards is 33 feet from the bottom edge of the cornhole to the bottom edge of the other hole.
- The pitcher’s box is a four foot by three foot rectangle that is parallel to the cornhole board. There is a pitcher’s box on either side of the board.
Rules That Apply to the Gameplay
- Each cornhole game is broken down into innings.
- An inning has been completed when all contestants throw all four of their cornhole bags.
- Games can be played as singles or doubles.
- In singles gameplay, both contestants pitch from the same platform while aiming at the other. Once the inning has been completed, players will change positions and pitch at the other cornhole board.
- In doubles gameplay, one member of each team pitches from a chosen board. The other members pitch from the other.
Rules That Apply to Delivery
- In doubles, the two players standing at board A will pitch at board B. The players will alternate pitches until all the bags have been delivered. Then, the players standing at board B will follow the same procedure when pitching at board A. The inning is complete when all 16 bags have been pitched.
- In singles play, the two opponents will alternate pitches until all the bags have been tossed.
- A player may toss from either the left or right pitcher’s box. However, in one inning, all of the player’s bags must be delivered from the same box – switching mid-inning is not allowed.
- A player must pitch the entire game (and/or tournament) with the same hand.
- A bag must be delivered within 20 seconds of entering the pitcher’s box.
- The contestant who scored the most points in the previous inning shall pitch first in the next inning. If neither scored or there was a tie, the player who pitched last will pitch first.
Rules That Apply to Scoring
- A “bag-in-the-hole” or “hole-in” is any bag that passes through the hole. A bag can be tossed there or bumped through the hole by another bag. A hole-in earns three points.
- A bag that lands with any portion resting on the platform is considered “in the court.” A bag is only “in the court” if it did not touch the ground before coming in contact with the board. A bag “in the court” earns one point.
- If a bag touches the ground before landing on the board, it is considered a fowl. Any fowl bags must be removed from the court before play can resume.
- Cancellation scoring is traditionally used. In each inning (singles play) or half-inning (doubles play), the bags of opposing players that earn points cancel each other out.
- If player X tosses two “hole-ins” and player Y tosses four, player Y scores 6 points and player X scores 0.
- If player X tosses two “in the court” bags and player Y tosses four, player Y scores 2 point and player X scores 0.
- The first team to reach or exceed 21 points at the end of an inning wins.
- Gameplay cannot be terminated in the middle of an inning – everyone must throw all their bags.
- If the game is tied at 21 points (or more) at the end of an inning, play